No matter what your business or life’s goal, The Cuckoo Chronicles has knowledge sourced from World Class Talent — people earning six figures as a third or fourth income and who are not for hire at any price — Principles not taught at even the best business schools and yet, absolutely critical to success. What an opportunity for college students to acquire it now — without having to work 30 years to learn it all on your own.

Why Do So Few Succeed…?”

Business schools and educational systems teach you the “What” and “How. ”The Cuckoo Chronicles, like the great mentors and counselors, provide the “Why.” Without the Why, success is left to those who are just born with what they call, “Business Sense” or “Street Smarts” for non-business career choices. That, plus an unusual work ethic is what has produced the greatest entrepreneurs of the world, as well as a long trail of dead bodies we call, “Statistics.”

Perspective is the Key — it is why we buy, vote, agree or disagree and ultimately act.The Cuckoo Chronicles…now the playing field is level. You will have the best of all that was shared by, “The Best I Ever Knew.”

“I Will Build the Wall…”

Success is not just given away. The “Keepers of Success,” whoever they are, have built a wall to keep all of the pretenders out, an experience known as known as, “Hitting the wall.” When you show your willingness to have a goal and do the work, you are not seen as a pretender, and “The Karma Group” will arrange for you to be given a ladder — a specific ladder that fits only Your Wall, rather than just one among millions of other walls. And yet, you must still climb the ladder.